If you don't invest in risk management,
it doesn't matter what business you are in,
it's a risky business. - Gary Cohn.

The Nigerian Risk Awards recognise and reward organisations and individuals who have achieved measurable results through the effective implementation of good governance, internal controls and risk management systems.

Particular emphasis is placed on those who have developed creative and innovative solutions in overcoming the challenges facing businesses and organisations in Nigeria.

All companies compete equally, regardless of size. Every organization has a unique risk management culture, but it is commitment, courage and effectiveness that make our winners stand out from the crowd.

The Nigerian Risk awards presents a great opportunity to motivate professionals and organisations to evolve in consistently managing risks, bringing together the best of the best and gives opportunity to well established organisations to showcase their good works.

Risk management is becoming an essential skill for successful leaders of today and the future, to showcase innovation, pragmatism and continual improvement. I look forward to celebrating these achievements with colleagues and organisations in Nigeria.

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Joachim Adenusi NRA Programme Director

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