If you don't invest in risk management,
it doesn't matter what business you are in,
it's a risky business. - Gary Cohn.

2020 NRAs-Recognising and Celebrating Excellence

NRA2020 can launch you and your business into a bigger success

If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal -Ghanaian proverb.

The point then is: if the elephant decides to live in its shadows, it will ride into oblivion. The same can be said of business and our visibility in the business landscape. Sometimes it is important to live not just on the fact that you can boast of the best in terms of quality and service delivery, but to also have a good record of such in the heart of your clients and other prospective clients.

It is not uncommon to have businesses that have the best in terms of ability and highest quality of service or products to be the ones without the most customers. The reality is that business is first a popularity contest then, an ability contest. This is because the general public will always take visibility as a measure of credibility. If people don’t know who you are, or what your business can do, they won’t choose you.

However, this is not to say that it is all about the fact that you can be seen that will make your business thrive. The ability to deliver top-notch services will determine how well you will retain your customers and get recommendations that will also bring new customers.

In order for the elephant that you are in your business sphere not to be left for the buffalo around, you can show the world how well you have been doing, by entering for the Nigerian Risk Awards and summit 2020.


Nomination is ongoing for awards in recognition of individuals who have the aspiration, inspiration and enthusiasm to promote and support enterprise risk management within their own organisation, with demonstrable results. The nominated awardees could be the chief risk officer, head of market or any individual within the risk team who has responsibility for Risk Management in their organisation.


Nominations are being submitted in the following categories by sector:

  • Banking and Investment Services.
  • Insurance and Pensions.
  • Telecoms and Media Services.
  • Manufacturing, Production and Industry.
  • Power, Oil and Gas Services.
  • Public Sector.
  • Not-For-Profit Sector.
  • Other Sectors.

Log on to www.nigerianriskawards.com to get started. You are just a click away from being recognised and appreciated.

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