The 2020 Nigerian Risk Awards is now open for entry.
The Nigerian Risk Summit and Awards (NRSA) is in its sixth year of recognising and rewarding organisations and individuals who have achieved measurable results through effective implementation of good governance, internal controls and risk management systems. Particular emphasis is placed on those who have developed creative and innovative solutions to overcome the challenges facing businesses and organisations in Nigeria.
In our awards, companies compete equally, regardless of size. This is because we know that every organisation has a unique risk management culture. However, it is commitment, courage and effectiveness that makes our winners stand out from the crowd.
The submissions for the Nigeria Risk Awards-2020 will be independently assessed and judged by a panel of 30 highly distinguished individuals, drawn from within and outside the country with outstanding portfolio of international risk management, please click on Judges page to read their profile.
This year, we are happy to partner with Businessday, Convention on Business Integrity, the UK Institute of Risk Management (IRM), the US Risk Management Society, Association of Enterprise Risk Management Professionals (AERMP), Alarm, Proshare. We are also proud of our sponsors, Continental Reinsurance, IBST Media, KAS Prints
We wish all our entrants the best this year.